What Mental Health Services does the Community Health Centres of Northumberland offer?
- Access to counselling services (see counselling tab on CHCN website)
- Access to a Registered Nurse for mental health support – for primary care clients
- Access to harm reduction supplies and naloxone kits – ask front desk or any staff member to connect you.
- Facilitates connection with other community resources / assist with system navigation. Social Prescribing – as a means to get connected with social and wellness supports
Community Services in Northumberland
Mental Health Crisis:
- Call 9-8-8: Crisis Intervention Services available to individuals across Canada 24/7. CMHA HKPR is one of the national partner crisis lines, and will field incoming calls from local individuals
- Visit Local Emergency Room
- Call 911: identify that it is a mental health crisis, as a Mental Health Engagement and Response Team (M-Heart) may be available
Free Counselling:
- NHH Community Mental Health- Walk in Counselling: Available for anyone ages 7 and up. Held on Tuesdays (8:00am-4:00pm) and Thursdays (10:00am-6:00pm) at 1011 Elgin Street West, Suite 200, Cobourg. For general inquiries, call (905) 377-9891, or call 905-377-7784 to receive support from Walk-In Counselling (leave full name, phone number and date of birth)
- Community Counselling Resource Centre (CCRC): Professional Counselling Service available in Northumberland. Call the intake line at 705-743-2272 ext. 308, or Toll Free 1-800-274-1611 to speak to the Intake Counsellor. Fees are based on income, but will be free of charge for anyone unable to pay
- Bounce Back (ages 15-17) or Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (18+): Free, guided self-help program (phone coaching, workbooks, online videos) for mild-to-moderate anxiety or depression, stress/worry/anger. Ask for referral from your primary care provider or self-refer through Ontario Shores (OSP program or Bounce Back. Contact Ontario Shores at 1-877-767-9642 with questions
- MacCoubrey Funeral Home Bereavement Counselling and Support in Cobourg. Call 905-372-5132
Substance Use/Addiction Support & Harm Reduction:
- Fourcast: a community-based addiction treatment option – Cobourg location is at 1011 Elgin Street West, 2nd Floor. Call 905-377-9111 or 1-800-461-1909 for counselling & intake services / general questions
- RAAM clinic (Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic): quick, barrier-free treatment for individuals who are dealing with addiction to alcohol or opioids. No referral needed. Call NHH Community Mental Health Clinic at 905-377-9891. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM. Located in the NHH CMHS office on the 2nd floor at 1011 Elgin Street West
- Greenwood Coalition: a radically inclusive, street-level organization that uses a community model of caring to walk alongside people who are hungry, homeless and hurting in Northumberland- outreach, community dinners, art hive, community capacity building. Located at Centennial Drive, Port Hope; Phone: (905) 885-8700
- PARN: Community AIDS Resource Network, based in Peterborough – offering Harm Reduction, Hep C services, HIV support services. Outreach and Programming. Partners with local organizations – CHCN, Greenwood, OATC Port Hope, HKPR health unit, Downey Pharmacy (Colborne). Phone: 705-749-9110 Toll-free: 1-800-361-2895
- Ontario Addiction Treatment Centre Port Hope: 141 Toronto Road, Port Hope. Tel: 905-885-7006. Info line for new patients- 1-877-937-2282
Housing / Financial Assistance:
- Housing Help Northumberland (Webpage): Centralized website with Northumberland Housing Information
- Help & Legal Centre – Northumberland: Housing support worker: Tel: 905-372-2646. Also posts a local rental listing – The Housing Listing
- Northumberland County Community Outreach: 555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON. Tel. 905-372-6846; Toll Free: 1-800-354-7051 ext. 2001
- Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre – Shelter for women and families at 40 Swayne Street, Cobourg. Tel: 905 372-1545 or 24/7 support line: 905-372-0746
- Transition House Emergency Shelter: supportive temporary housing, life skills and transitional support services to men and women over the age of 18 from Northumberland. Located at 10 Chapel Street Cobourg; Tel: 905-376-9562
Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault Resources:
- Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre Drop-in service: Mondays 9am-12pm (40 Swayne St. Cobourg) for female identifying persons throughout the County who may be living with violence and abuse – access to information, services, and referrals. Community services: 905 372-1545. 24/7 support line: 905-372-0746
- Victim Services of Peterborough & Northumberland: Toll Free: 1-888-822-7729; or OPP Northumberland County- Cobourg Detachment at 1165 Division St. Cobourg. Tel: 905-372-2255
- Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre (KSAC) 24-7 Crisis Line 1-866-298-7778 or text 705-710-5234
- Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Program: through PRHC (Peterborough Hospital) Emergency Department. For non-urgent information, call the Women’s Health Care Clinic: (705)-743-4132 or 1-800-419-3111
- HKPR Sexual Health Clinic Services: book online or call 1-866-888-4577
Children & Youth:
- Rebound Child and Youth Services Northumberland: Provides support to youth 4-18 with personal challenges- offers a wide range of supportive and proactive programming to empower children, youth, and families (see NHH walk-in counselling for same-day)
- Kinark Child and Family Services: Community-based children and youth mental health services; Autism services; Forensic Mental Health/ Youth Justice. Provides clinical assessment and intervention to complex and high risk children and youth. Central Intake: 1-888-454-6275
- Highland Shores Children’s Aid: Protect (reporting), Care (supports for parenting, fostering), Empower (programs, connection with Children’s Services Worker). If you have concerns about the safety of a child, call 24/7 Tel: 1-800-267-0570; Local: 1005 Burnham Street, Tel: 905-372-1821
- Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
System Navigation Assistance:
- Call 211 (or 1-877-330-3213) for Community and Social Services Help Line
- ConnexOntario Website: Mental health and addictions service navigator. Call 519-439-0174
Mental Health Apps & Websites:
- Anxiety Canada : free online, self-help, and evidence-based resources on anxiety.
- Mindshift App: Free CBT-based app to learn to relax and take change of anxiety.
- Togetherall: An online health and wellbeing service offering self-help programs, creative outlets and a community that cares
Don’t Have a Primary Care Provider?
- East Region Virtual Care Clinic: Register online to speak with a Nurse Practitioner for urgent medical needs or call 1-888-684-1999 to book. Open 1:00pm-9:00pm, 7 days a week. Click link for further details
- Health811: Connect with a registered nurse day or night for free, secure and confidential health advice. Call 8-1-1 (or toll-free 1-866-797-0007)