Quality Client Care is a top priority of the Community Health Centres of Northumberland (CHCN).
Each member of the Governing Body, Leader on the Management Team, Clinical Health Care Professional, Support Staff Employee, Volunteer, Client or Family Member has a role to play in the quality of the services and the quality of the environment at CHCN. Input on areas for quality improvement and for methods to address and sustain quality initiatives is continuously sought and welcomed from all stakeholders, from community partners, and from citizens of Northumberland, where we provide services.
Ontario’s inter-professional, team-based primary care organizations are required to submit annual Quality Improvement Plans to Health Quality Ontario (HQO). A Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is a formal commitment to quality improvement, aligned with system and provincial priorities.
To continually advance our quality improvement work CHCN creates an annual Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) which has three components:
- A Progress Report which demonstrates the previous year’s QIP achievements
- A Narrative that provides contextual information and an overview of priority areas for QIP initiatives
- A Current QIP that shows the planned initiatives and indicators for success that are in progress
2021-2022 Community Health Centres of Northumberland Quality Improvement Plan:
2018-2019 Community Health Centres of Northumberland Quality Improvement Plan:
2017-2018 Community Health Centres of Northumberland Quality Improvement Plan: