Please Note: Counselling services are being offered by phone or virtually through video. If an in-person appointment is deemed necessary please be aware you will be screened over the phone before your appointment and must wear a mask for the duration of your visit.
Types of Counselling
Providing counselling and therapeutic groups for clients of all ages and stages of change with a focus on helping people find and use their strengths and coping abilities. The counsellors work to promote good mental, physical, social, and spiritual health, and to help clients improve their overall sense of wellbeing.
How to Access Counselling Services
Counselling services are available for registered clients of the community health centre. Mental Health and Addiction counsellors are part of the health team and work in cooperation with your other health providers (doctors, nurse practitioners, diabetes educators, dietitians, etc.) to support your whole health. Ask for a referral to counselling for yourself or your family for reasons such as:
- Always sad, worried, afraid, angry
- Feel like you don’t fit in
- Hate yourself
- Support for LGTBQ+ issues
- Being bullied or abused
- Obsessing about things
- Too much partying
- No one seems to listen
- Coping with pain
- Fighting at home
- Too much stress
- Thinking about ending your life
- Don’t care about things anymore
- Life is out of control
- Grief, loss
- Drinking and drug use
- Can’t stop crying
We also accept some referrals from our formal partnership agencies:
- Green Wood Coalition
- Northumberland Hills Hospital Mental Health Services
- The Salvation Army – Cobourg Social Services