The Community Health Centres of Northumberland (CHCN) puts the safety of clients, staff, volunteers, and visitors as a high priority when welcoming individuals into the Centre and when delivering programs and services. As such CHCN has developed a Strategy for its ongoing assessment, training, monitoring, mitigation, and reporting of safety issues.
Each member of the Governing Body, Leader on the Management Team, Clinical Health Care Professional, Support Staff Employee, Volunteer, Client or Family Member has a role to play in keeping the environment safe. Everyone who experiences any safety incident is asked to please report this occurrence by either speaking to a staff member or by filling out an incident report so that we can attend to safety issues and reduce risks for future incidents. Input on areas for improvement is always welcome. Client and family members are welcomed to give voice to their experiences of safety incidents to CFAR, the Executive Director, or to the Governing Body. There is space on the Incident Report Form for this request to be made.
Each year, the CHCN management team, along with the staff and CFAR, looks at the previous year’s incident reports, client and staff complaints, risks associated with new initiatives, and emerging issues in the community and develops an annual Safety Plan in response to their assessments.
Please see below for a link to last year’s progress report and the current safety plan: